
Identity: Any materials whose sole aim is to promote brand awareness. There are two critical questions to ask: "Who am I?" and "Who is my customer?"
examples: logos, static web pages, business cards, signage.

At the base of every marketing strategy should be an identity. This identity is one that should correctly portray a company's set of values, goals, or mood. So before jumping right into what everyone sees as the first step of defining an identity - the logo - we challenge you to first think about what do you want your company to be like. It could involve cutting edge technology, or be a local small business, or it could be simply that you like to have fun, or maybe that you take matters seriously. Take a moment to jot down what your company is.

More importantly, who is your company for. Who is your customer? Address who it is that is either inclined to by your product, or that you want to buy your product. Everything after that point should stem from asking these two simple questions: "Who am I?" and "Who is my customer?"