
Retention: Any materials designed to encourage new sales from existing customers.
examples: member discount promotions, thank you cards, coupons after point of purchase, and of course great customer service.

Though it may not seem like a form of marketing, having a good retention strategy in place is crucial to the growth of your company. With as many different companies available today, and especially online, why should a customer continue to do business with you? They may find you online on a whim, but after getting the product they needed your company as an entity disappeared from their mind.

One indirect way to have a good retention plan is to have a good identity. If customers see clearly your unique image they can separate you from all of the other companies that sell the same stuff as you, but are not as well defined as you.

Also, it is widely known that good customer service is the best form of advertising. This is not a myth. People are naturally inclined to share good and bad experiences with other people. If they felt like they were treated with excellent service, as if they were the only customer your company had, they will share that experience with a portion of their network. Inversely if they were treated badly, it will actually spread faster than if they were treated good. So, good customer service will lead to not only new sales from that customer, but other potential customers as well.

Member benefits and thank-you programs are also key to keeping customers with you. If they feel like you are really grateful for their business and 'give-back' they feel better that they have spent money with you.

Like all of the other services we provide, we help you decide what kind retention strategy is right for your business.